SMART is announcing a Call for Projects for Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 funding. Please see the “FY 19-20 5310 Call for Projects Application” document. The 5310 grant program provides funding for projects that deliver transportation services to seniors and individuals with disabilities.

If your agency provides services that qualify for Section 5310 funding, and is interested in applying, please fill out the application form, applicant questionnaire and suspension and debarment certification form. All applications are due to SMART October 2, 2020 by 3pm.

The amount of funding available is indicated in the application document. Full details pertaining to the Call for Projects process and SMART’s 5310 program management can be found in the “SMART Program Management Plan 5310” document.

Any questions or issues please contact Ian Holme at (313)223-2161 or


Program Management Plan 5310.pdf

FY18-19 5310 Call For Projects Application

5310 Applicant Questionnaire

Suspension and Debarment Certification