261 FAST Michigan - Eastbound and Westbound
Comerica Park and the Little Caesars Arena (LCA)
- Deboard at the Woodward/Clifford stop. Comerica Park is about 4 blocks north.
- To get to the LCA, transfer to the QLine, DDOT Woodward or FAST Woodward 461/462 in Grand Circus Park.
- DDOT Woodward and FAST Woodward 461/462 deboard at the LCA stop (Temple).
- QLine deboards at Adelaide street.
- To return to the Woodward/Clifford stop, board DDOT Woodward and FAST Woodward 461/462 at the LCA stop (Temple) and QLine at Sproat Street.
461/462 FAST Woodward - Southbound
Comerica Park
- Deboard at Woodward/Clifford. Comerica Park is about 4 blocks north.
- Deboard at the LCA stop (Temple).
461/462 FAST Woodward - Northbound
Comerica Park
- Board at the Grand Circus Park stop.
- Board at the LCA stop (Temple)
563 FAST Gratiot - Southbound
Comerica Park
- Deboard at the Spirit Plaza stop.
- Transfer to the DDOT Woodward or QLine just north of Spirit Plaza.
- Deboard the DDOT Woodward and QLine at Grand Circus Park. Comerica Park is about 4 blocks north.
- Deboard at the Spirit Plaza stop.
- Transfer to the DDOT Woodward or QLine just north of Spirit plaza.
- DDOT Woodward deboards at Woodward/Winder.
- QLine deboards at Adelaide street.
563 FAST Gratiot - Northbound
- Board DDOT Woodward or FAST Woodward 461/462 at the LCA stop (Temple)
- Board QLine at Sproat Street.
- Deboard at Woodward/Larned and transfer to the 563 FAST Gratiot.