The bus operator's primary job is to operate the bus safely. If problems arise on the bus, the bus operator's priority is to determine if a passenger's safety or security is at stake. The operator will assess the severity of the problem and the resources available and respond accordingly. The bus operator, at his/her discretion and dependent on the circumstances, may choose to talk to the passenger, call for assistance, submit a MISC report on the incident at the end of their shift, or take no immediate action. In the case of minor infractions of the code of conduct, SMART’s general guideline for the operator would be to continue the route rather than inconvenience other riders by delaying service unless the situation requires immediate attention.
To help ensure the safety, security, comfort, and convenience of all those who use our services, please "ride right." When you ride right, you treat others as you would like to be treated and show respect for your bus operator, fellow passengers, and the transit vehicles and facilities you use.
Basics of Riding
- Transit vehicles operate on a schedule. They cannot wait for passengers to arrive or stop for passengers who are not at designated bus stops. Arrive for your scheduled departure five minutes early and be in the correct location. Contact SMART at www.smartmovesus.org or Customer Care at (866) 962-5515 if you need trip planning assistance. Several mobility apps can be downloaded to your phone to provide real-time arrival information.
Fare Payment and Seating
- Keep the line moving. Ensure you have your fare, Dart app, and proper ID ready as you board. Passes may not be shared by multiple riders. The exact one-way fare must be paid when boarding the bus. In addition, the operator is not permitted to come into physical contact with the passenger to receive the fare – unless the passenger cannot access the fare box. It is not “safe” to expect the operator to take the fare from the passenger’s belongings (e.g., purse, wallet, etc.). This is for the protection of the operators and the passengers.
- Pay your fare in a timely manner then move past the farebox. Buses are designed for sitting and standing – take a seat or find a spot to stand behind the yellow line and hold on. Keep track of your belongings and take them with you when you leave.
- Designated seats at the front of every bus are reserved for seniors and customers with disabilities; they are labeled “Priority Seating.” Please offer your seat to these customers when they board.
Passenger Conduct
- It’s okay to enjoy your music. However, it is your soundtrack, and others may not want to hear it. Use headphones or earbuds to respect the privacy of others.
- Let operators do the driving. Please limit standing next to the driver’s area while the vehicle is in service.
- Feel free to say “Hi” or ask a quick question, but don’t hold a conversation; always stay behind the yellow standee line.
- Be respectful of others. Always wear appropriate clothing.
- Use your inside voice.
- If you talk on your phone, remember you have an audience. Be mindful of your language, keep your voice low, and keep your call brief.
- Your bag belongs on your lap, not taking up the seat next to you. If you are standing, make room by moving to the back of the bus when others board.
- Keep it clean. Respect those who ride after you. Keep your feet off the seats and remove litter when you leave.
- Let the operator know if assistance is needed in the wheelchair securement area. The operator may help secure a wheelchair or scooter and a seatbelt.
- If you are a passenger using a wheelchair or scooter and the operator does not offer a lap belt or shoulder belt, please tell the operator if you would like one.
- A wheelchair passenger using the Quantum restraint device is responsible for securing the device by pressing the green activation switch once the wheelchair is in place. If the Quantum does not engage, please ask the driver for assistance before they move the bus.
- The passenger, and their demeanor must not disrupt the safety, peace, and comfort of other passengers or SMART employees.
Operator Responsibility
- SMART employees are trained Professional Bus Operators.
- The bus operator is responsible for safely driving the coach.
- Operators will secure a lap belt for passengers using a wheelchair or scooter when requested by the passenger.
- Once a wheelchair passenger using the Quantum restraint device secures the device by pressing the green activation switch, the operator will confirm securement by either holding the secure button at the dash station for one second or releasing the parking brake.
- Operators are responsible for securing and unsecuring wheelchairs or scooters from the Q’Straint tie-downs that connect the mobility device to the bus floor.
- Operators will announce stops and transfers if the automated system is not working.
- Let the operator know if you are loading a bike.
- Passengers are responsible for loading and securing bikes.
- Let the operator know you are going to grab your bike off the rack when you exit the bus and quickly get your bike safely to the curb.
Walkers, Canes, Crutches, Strollers
- Passengers using walkers, canes, or crutches are responsible for their medical equipment. None of these, including strollers occupied by children, shall be stored in wheelchair securement areas. Operators are prohibited from using the Q-Straint tie-downs to secure anything other than wheelchairs, scooters, adult strollers, or companion/transport chairs.
- Passengers can bring strollers on the coach provided they are folded before boarding and can be secured without blocking the aisle.
- Passengers are not allowed to place strollers, carts, or bags on top of the wheel well on the bus.
Shopping, laundry, and other bags on buses
- Passengers can bring as many bags on the bus as they can manage in one trip without having to deboard and gather additional bags. Personal shopping carts, designed to carry standard-size grocery bags, may be used but shall not be secured with belts in the wheelchair area on the bus. The personal shopping carts cannot block the aisle and should be secured while the bus is in motion. You are responsible for managing your shopping cart. Grocery store-size carts are prohibited on SMART buses as they are too large and block the aisle. Oversized bags or packages are not permitted on the coach.
Hazardous Conditions
- No passenger may act in a threatening, harmful, criminal, or unsafe manner, jeopardizing the passenger, the operator, or other passengers. Any potentially communicable health condition (open wounds/sores, bodily fluids, lice, bed bugs) is considered hazardous. Failure to conform to this standard will result in a temporary suspension (Paratransit) and refusal of service (Fixed Route).
- No electric, gasoline-powered bikes or scooters are allowed on board or on the bike rack.
Personal Hygiene
- To protect the health and well-being of SMART employees and fellow passengers, an acceptable standard of personal hygiene should be maintained. Failure to conform to this policy will result in probationary status and/or a temporary service suspension.
Physical or Verbal Abuse
- If a passenger physically or verbally abuses SMART employees and/or other passengers, that passenger is subject to immediate probation and/or service suspension. Profanity or sexual harassment by passengers or operators will not be tolerated. Use only G-rated words. If there is a physical assault against an operator, the authorities will be contacted.
- Service animals trained to assist people with disabilities are welcome on board. Please keep your service animal on a leash and ensure they remain calm while on board.
- Use of smoke-producing products is not allowed on buses or at SMART facilities (including e-cigarettes). Please exhale any smoke before boarding.
Transit Facilities
- Transit facilities are public locations with a specific purpose. Loitering is prohibited at the bus stop or on the bus.
- Solicitation is prohibited. Do not offer for sale, sell, deliver, barter or exchange any goods, services or merchandise on the buses or at SMART facilities. Begging or panhandling is prohibited on buses and at SMART facilities.
SAFETY Reminders
- Do not stand in front of the yellow standee line onboard the coach.
- Be careful after exiting the bus.
- Do not cross directly in front of or behind the bus – find a safe place or crosswalk to cross the street and watch for traffic.
- If you loaded a bike onto the rack when you boarded the bus, make sure the operator knows you will grab it off the rack when you debark.
- Be safe with strollers and carts.
- For safety reasons, remove children from strollers and collapse them if they block the aisle. Carts must also be collapsed and out of the aisle, and you can only bring items that fit on your lap or under the seat.
- Eating, drinking alcohol, or drinking liquids in uncovered containers is not allowed on buses.
- You are welcome to bring your beverage with you. Just ensure it is in a sealed container, do not drink it on the bus, and take it with you when you leave.
- • Do not chase buses.
- Chasing buses is unsafe, and it is the policy that operators do not stop once they start pulling away from the bus stop.
- Actions have consequences.
- In addition to disrespecting your fellow passengers and operators, bad conduct can get you removed from the vehicle or property, banned from riding in the future or even arrested, so please be kind and courteous.
- No oversized bags or packages are allowed on the bus.
- www.smartmovesus.org, (866) 962-5515