For the safety and comfort of all our passengers, please follow the Rules for Riding:
Priority Seating is for older adults and people with disabilities.
Please let older adults and people with disabilities sit in the priority seating located in the front of the bus.
Please be courteous to your fellow passengers.
Do not block the aisle or doorway. Only bring onboard items that you can carry and fit on your lap or under the seat.
Don’t be so loud that you disturb others.
Excessive noise is not allowed on SMART. This includes loud conversations, obscene or insulting language and loud phone conversations.
Valid and correct fare is required.
A valid pass, cash, or transfer receipt is required on SMART. Without it you will not be allowed board the bus. Please have your fare ready upon boarding. Fareboxes do not give change. However, change cards will be issued for future rides.
Weapons are not permitted.
Weapons or hazardous materials are not permitted on SMART vehicles or on any SMART properties.
For your safety.
Do not stand forward of the yellow standee line while bus is in motion. Placing personal items on the wheel box behind the boarding door is prohibited.
Keep food and beverages in closed containers.
Eating and drinking is not allowed.
No smoking.
Smoking is prohibited on buses and at all SMART transit centers.
Animal Policy
Only trained service animals for people with disabilities are allowed aboard.
The rules for riding SMART apply on any SMART vehicle or property including the SMART Downtown and Royal Oak Transit Center, offices, shelters, and bus stops. Violations may result in your removal from SMART vehicles or property. It may also result in banning from SMART property, loss of riding privileges and possible arrest.