Customers can file a Title VI discrimination complaint via SMART’s Compliant Hotline at (313) 223-2198. Complainants can also fill out a complaint form on line at or send their complaint to SMART through the mail to the address above.
Once a complaint is submitted (within 180 calendar days of discrimination occurrence) the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation’s (SMART’s) DBE/EEO department will record and proceed to investigate the complaint.
All complaints will be followed up within three business days upon receipt.
The investigator may interview any individual(s) named as witnesses and any other individual(s) who may have information pertaining to the complaint lodged. Documents that are related to the complaint may be reviewed. Failure of the complainant to respond to request from the investigator may result in a dismissal of the complaint.
SMART’s DBE/EEO department makes every effort to promptly resolve any complaint; however, the process may vary on a case by case basis. The complainant will receive a final written notice; which shall be approved by authorized representatives of the DBE/EEO department.
If the complainant disagrees with the response or decision, a written notice can be sent directly to the U.S. Department of Transportation:
U.S. Department of Transportation
Attention: Office of Civil Rights
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20590