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This Ride’s On Us

Free Paratransit and Connector Service Transportation for Veterans and Their Families

In partnership with SMART, Oakland County is proud to launch "This Rides On Us", a new initiative dedicated to providing free paratransit and connector service transportation for veterans, their dependents, and widowers throughout Oakland County. This program is designed to enhance mobility, foster community integration, and support the well-being of our heroes and their families.

Why This Program Matters:

Access to reliable transportation can often be a barrier to accessing essential services and participating fully in community life. "This Rides On Us" aims to remove this barrier by offering:

  • Free rides within Oakland County on our paratransit and connector services, helping veterans reach medical appointments, job interviews, educational classes, and community events.
  • An opportunity to enhance economic stability and reduce social isolation by facilitating easy access to local businesses and social gatherings.

Who is Eligible?

  • All veterans residing in Oakland County.
  • Dependents and widowers of veterans in Oakland County.

How to Register and Book a Ride:

  1. Contact Oakland County Veterans Services to Register:
    • To register for this program, please contact Oakland County Veterans Services directly. They will guide you through the registration process and help you schedule your first ride.
    • You can reach them by calling 248-419-7984.
  2. Call to Book Your Ride:
    • Once registered, call 866-962-5515 and press 1 to book your ride with our friendly SMART booking service.
  3. Provide Proof of Service:
    • When registering, veterans need to show either their DD214 (discharge papers), a Veterans ID from the Clerk’s Office, or a veteran designation on their driver’s license.

Cost: Absolutely free! This program is fully funded by SMART and Oakland County as a token of appreciation for the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families.

Important Information:

  • Service Types Included: This service is specifically for our paratransit and connector routes.
  • Schedule and Availability: Services are available during regular SMART operating hours. We recommend booking your ride in advance to ensure availability.
  • Customer Support: If you need assistance or have any questions, our dedicated support team is here to help. Contact us at 866-962-5515 or Oakland County Veterans Services at 248-419-7984.

Join Us in Moving Forward Together

We invite all eligible veterans and their families to take advantage of "This Rides On Us". Together, we can ensure that our veterans continue to have the freedom and ability to access what they need, when they need it. Let's ride together towards a more connected and supported future.


SMART Sounding Board - March 13th

SMART Sounding Board

Time: March 13th, 2024 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 5763 3887
Passcode: 554483


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Dial by your location
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
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Meeting ID: 815 5763 3887

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SMART Audit Committee Meeting

SMART will hold the December 7, 2023, Audit Committee meeting at 1:00 PM in the Buhl Building, located on 535 Griswold St. Suite 600, Detroit, MI 48226. Public Participation will only be available for members of the public attending in person or those who email comments per the process outlined below. All physically present at the meeting must adhere to the following:

Please respect anyone needing or choosing to wear a mask.

People with symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.

People who are positive for COVID-19 may not attend the Meeting in person and should access the recording at the YouTube link below. The agenda can be found on SMART’s website: Members of the public may attend in person. The Meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube and available at the following URL: Members of the public may also submit a written comment to be read during the Public Comment period by emailing by 12:15 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Public Comment will proceed as follows:
• All comments: 3-minute limit per member of the public. Kindly state your name and city of residence.
• Public comments will be received in the following order:
• Members of the public who attend in person.
• Written comments via email. The Board Administrator will read any submitted comments.

SMARTer Mobility Surveys Begin October 1st

What is the SMARTer Mobility Program

SMART launched the SMARTer Mobility Program in early 2023 to evaluate their fixed route/ADA, connector general service, and the current micro transit pilot program to aid in the evaluation and analysis of the services within the region.

The goals of the SMARTer Mobility Program are to:

      • Establish microtransit as a permanent service
      • Create a user-friendly app for all transit service
      • Ensure that services are integrated
      • Expand public transit within new service areas

SMARTer Mobility Survey Conductors can easily be identified by their SMARTer Mobility branded tee shirts and safety vests :


The surveys can be taken on the transit vehicle during your trip, from the website or if prefered, can be filled out on a paper version.  You can take the survey now electronically at

Service Change September 11th

Service Changes Will Be Effective September 11, 2023.

** Route Extensions/Changes**


305 Grand River: Extended to Wixom, realigned to Grand River between Telegraph and 7 Mile [More Details] [List of New Stops]

525 Groesbeck: Now servicing Gratiot rather than Beaconsfield between Masonic and 14 Mile

740 Twelve Mile: Extended to Wixom on weekdays and Saturdays [More Details] [List of New Stops]

805 Grand River P&R: Extended to MDOT Park & Ride lot (Beck & 12 Mile) via Grand River,

Novi Road and 12 Mile [More Details] [List of New Stops]

New Stops Added:

261 FAST Michigan

• Merriman & Van Born • Michigan & Beech-Daly

450 Woodward Local Pontiac

462 FAST Woodward Pontiac-Auburn Hills [More Details]

• Woodward & Long Lake

Frequency Change:

280 Middlebelt/Beech Daly -

Trip time changes on all days, frequency changed from 60 to 75 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays

Verify schedule times on the new schedule look-up. Don’t forget to call our Customer Care

Representatives for more information. 866.962.5515

SMART August Hiring Event 8-11

SMART is hosting an in-person hiring event. Join us to fill out an application, conduct an interview, and get hired the same day. Opportunities for bus operators, mechanics, coach service and shelter attendants and more are available.

Advance applications are available at and encouraged to complete prior to arrival but are not required.

Start your career today with SMART!

SMART Celebrates Earth Day In Royal Oak April 22nd

SMART will be at the Oakland County Earth Day March and Rally, this Saturday April 22nd from 9am-1pm. Stop by our table to learn how SMART is doing our part in reducing our carbon footprint. 

  • One SMART bus potentially eliminates 60 cars on the road
  • SMART continues to add hybrid electric buses to its fleet, reducing carbon emissions
  • Public transportation produces 95% less volatile carbon monoxide and about 50% as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide per passenger per mile
  • SMART recycles 600 tires, 4,224 gallons of anti-freeze and 12,554 gallons of oil (motor and transmission) annually
  • All SMART buses are biodiesel powered

Learn more about our FAST and SMART Flex services and you can plan your trip with us! 

Welcome Token Transit

Token Transit App will provide DART regional passes for SMART and DDOT by improving the overall digital ticketing experience for users.

  • The current Dart app, powered by Passport, ends its mobile ticketing functionality by February 28th
  • 24-Hour and 4-Hour passes on both the Dart app and Token Transit app can currently be purchased
  • 31-Day and 7-Day passes can only be bought via the Token Transit app

SMART/DDOT riders are asked to download the Token Transit app and create an account before March 1st and any unused purchased passes in a rider’s
Passport wallet will be transferred to Token Transit by March 1, 2023.

Riders are asked to download the Token Transit app via the Apple or Google Play store

  • Create an account
  • Search Dart Detroit to buy new passes
  • Select My passes to find unused passes

Token Transit will provide tech support at
•    The “Help” section in the app’s settings
•    The FAQ section at
•    Texting (415) 918-6628
•    Calling (415) 918-6536.

Effective Tuesday, March 31, 2020

  • Effective Tuesday, March 31, 2020 additional service reductions will begin
  • SMART ridership has dropped 80% over the past several weeks
  • Service Reductions include:
    • Frequency is hourly at a minimum for all routes
    • Woodward, Gratiot, and Michigan, FAST and local routes will alternate every 30 minutes.
    • Commuter and Park & Ride Routes will operate only one trip into downtown in the morning and only one trip out of downtown in the afternoon
    • SMART Shuttles and the Farmington/Farmington Hills Dial A Ride service will not operate. Contact SMART Connector for essential trips.SMART Shuttles and the Farmington/Farmington Hills Dial A Ride service will not operate. Contact SMART Connector for essential trips.
    • Hours of operation will be consistent with the length of weekday service hours
  • Updates on SMART service can be found at

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, SMART is committed to providing service for those who have no other alternative transportation to make essential trips to work, grocery stores and for necessary, schedule appointments such as dialysis treatments. SMART is identified as ‘critical infrastructure’ and its employees deemed essential workers in the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-21 to Stay Home, Stay Safe.

SMART is implementing further service reductions starting Tuesday, March 31, 2020 as a way to better match service on the road with the reduced demand. As ridership is significantly lower at 80% less than a typical weekday, SMART will reduce service an additional 40%.  Since SMART implemented the initial 30% reduction last week, ridership has leveled off and remains steady.

  • Busy corridors like Woodward, Gratiot, and Michigan which includes, FAST and local routes, will run staggered every hour; meaning FAST and local routes will alternate every 30 minutes.
  • Weekday routes will operate hourly (time between buses) service with similar hours of operation as regular weekday service.
  • Commuter and Park & Ride routes will run one trip into downtown in the morning and one trip out of downtown in the afternoon. Ridership on these routes has dramatically fallen on these routes, averaging a 95% decline from typical weekday ridership.
  • Elimination of SMART same day services, including Groesbeck Shuttle, Somerset and Oakland Mall Shuttles as well as the Farmington/Farmington Hills Dial A Ride.  Anyone needing ride in these areas should call SMART Connector to reserve a trip at 866-962-5515 and press #1.

New Schedule Lookup:

Schedule Lookup 

Read the full press release below:

Tuesday, March 31 SMART will cut service as COVID-19 impacts ridership




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